RODILLOS MAFRARODILLOS MAFRA has a professional trajectory of more than 50 years, throughout all these years the company has evolved and has expanded its product catalog but above all it has maintained the same philosophy, offering the highest quality in materials and product elaboration. That, without a doubt, together with the human labor behind it, have been the two pillars for us to continue here. This 2023 we face it with a new management, with a new image and with a great desire to continue offering the best and grow.
Thanks for joining us,

Ut eros mi, tincidunt in mi tincidunt, suscipit euismod justo. Vivamus tincidunt posuere nunc. Morbi ut diam nec nisl fermentum facilisis sed eget tortor. Duis rhoncus accumsan odio vel eleifend. Cras eu feugiat augue.
Integer commodo pulvinar mi a volutpat. Vestibulum pharetra mattis ornare. Nullam blandit ornare est, sed aliquet ex condimentum sit amet. Fusce vestibulum sapien at erat lobortis, et elementum sem egestas. Ut auctor scelerisque justo sit amet blandit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis et fringilla eros. Aenean blandit ultricies tincidunt. Nam imperdiet, lacus ut pulvinar suscipit, nulla ligula blandit turpis, imperdiet dapibus est ipsum id est. Maecenas a ex libero. Etiam lobortis justo nec rutrum molestie. Nulla porttitor, eros sed vestibulum aliquam, libero elit hendrerit velit, in bibendum massa metus eget lacus. Nullam tempus interdum sapien sed gravida. Duis id leo tellus.
Sed sagittis tempor ante ac tristique. Vivamus sed est nec leo volutpat tempor sit amet id dolor. Suspendisse consectetur rutrum nisi tincidunt ornare. Pellentesque nec felis feugiat, posuere lorem nec, vulputate mi. Morbi non mi porta, condimentum justo a, ornare metus.

Pellentesque eget augue sem. Praesent fringilla bibendum libero, ac facilisis leo faucibus ut. In vitae augue in massa faucibus egestas.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis imperdiet lacus orci, ut dictum nisi laoreet id. Quisque dictum, mauris ut pulvinar ultrices, nunc erat laoreet enim, sit amet laoreet leo quam vitae erat. Nullam efficitur sit amet nibh ac aliquam. Duis eget est vel orci lobortis facilisis tincidunt ut massa. Curabitur id velit tellus. In at dolor eu libero venenatis lacinia eget id velit. Sed ullamcorper augue velit, ullamcorper consequat ante dignissim non.





Manufactured with 30mm wide needle bearings and M-14 screw

Rollers and guide of 60 They can be double with 4 wheels or single with 2 wheels. They use a 60mm guide. Main feature: Great strength with two... +



Rollers and guide of 40 They can be double with 4 wheels or single with 2 wheels. They use a guide of 40. Main feature: Two 20mm wide needle... +



Rollers and guide of 30 They can be double with 4 ball bearings or single with two, they use a 30mm guide. Due to its small size we cannot use our... +



rollers 30/40 They can be double or single like the Fortuna series, with the plate to screw the canvas or screw.



En Rodillos Mafra llevamos más de 50 años fabricando rodillos y guías para colgar puertas industriales, y ahora hemos... +

Todo tipo de trabajos en estampación, plegado y soldadura de la chapa y tubo.
Servicio de recubrimiento metálico.